Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 5, 2011

iPhone Tracking File Problem To Be Fixed

iPhone Tracking File Problem To Be Fixed

More information on the Apple iPhone tracking fiasco, whereby the iPhone collects and stores data about its user's location, thus jeopardising the user's privacy. Apple posted a statement on their website, indicating that they will fix the problem. In an article yesterday by my colleague James' he reported on a Q&A release on Apple's website, coming to us via AppleInsider, which indicated that the tracking issue was caused by a bug and that Apple will be releasing a free update to iOS to address the location bug. They have also said they will fix the bug that would sometimes continue to update location data, even when Location Services on the iPhone's device settings were off.

The posting of this Q&A comes just a day after our article on 'Apple and Google To Face Senate Over Mobile Privacy', with the hearing on the May 10, 2011 – see full article here. Many iOS users have concerns over the tracking issue and intrusion on their private lives regarding the information gathered.

So in light of Apple now saying they will fix the tracking bug, do you think that the iOS update will really fix the problem? Moreover, have you lost faith in Apple's iOS devices, as a result of this whole situation? Please let us know you thoughts below.

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